EN3 Solution Ltd. 988 dialing – Terms and Conditions

IMPORTANT: EN3 is proud to allow clients and partners easy access to the emergency 988 hotline. A recent, government supported crisis line incorporated across North America, 988 can be used in the emergency of a suicide crisis. Like 911, callers to 988 can be instantly connected with a suicide prevention specialist employed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [CAMH] and guided through how to deal with the situation at hand.

EN3 allows callers to utilize their ordinary dialing number interface. Again, like 911, EN3 clients throughout the United States and Canada can simply dial 988 on their communication keypads.

PLEASE NOTE: EN3’s voice and the emergency dialing administration are completely web-based and access to emergency services like 988 might be restricted or inaccessible during electrical outages, Internet disruptions including broadband or network disturbances, and other technical issues that arise at locations where EN3 services are provided. EN3 recommends that all clients have back-up emergency hotline access plans in place should a technical matter that affects EN3’s communications interfaces arise.